Saturday, January 18, 2020

Decorator Design Pattern - C#

Attaching additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality.

The classes and objects participating in this pattern are:
  • Component 
    • defines the interface for objects that can have responsibilities added to them dynamically.
  • ConcreteComponent   
    • defines an object to which additional responsibilities can be attached.
  • Decorator 
    • maintains a reference to a Component object and defines an interface that conforms to Component's interface.
  • ConcreteDecorator 
    • adds responsibilities to the component.

Code :-

namespace DecoratorDemo.Component
    public interface IHome
        string Make { get; }
        double GetPrice();

//Concrete Component

  public class MyHome : Component.IHome
        public string Make {
                return "MyHome";

        public double GetPrice()
            return 8000000;

 public abstract class HomeDecorator : IHome
        private readonly IHome home;

        public HomeDecorator(IHome home)
            this.home = home;
        public string Make
                return "MyHome";

        public double GetPrice()
            return home.GetPrice();
        public abstract double GetDiscountPrice();

  // Concrete Decorator
  public class OfferPrice : HomeDecorator
        public OfferPrice(IHome home)  : base(home)

        public override double GetDiscountPrice()
            return .8 * base.GetPrice();   

// Execution

 class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IHome home = new MyHome();
            HomeDecorator decorator = new OfferPrice(home);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Make : {0} Price {1} DiscountPrice {2}", decorator.Make, decorator.GetPrice(), decorator.GetDiscountPrice()));

Make : MyHome Price 8000000 DiscountPrice 6400000

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