Given a reference to the head of a doubly-linked list and an integer, , create a new DoublyLinkedListNode object having data value and insert it into a sorted linked list while maintaining the sort.
Function Description
Complete the sortedInsert function in the editor below. It must return a reference to the head of your modified DoublyLinkedList.
sortedInsert has two parameters:
- head: A reference to the head of a doubly-linked list of DoublyLinkedListNode objects.
- data: An integer denoting the value of the field for the DoublyLinkedListNode you must insert into the list.
Note: Recall that an empty list (i.e., where ) and a list with one element are sorted lists.
Input Format
The first line contains an integer , the number of test cases.
Each of the test case is in the following format:
- The first line contains an integer , the number of elements in the linked list.
- Each of the next lines contains an integer, the data for each node of the linked list.
- The last line contains an integer which needs to be inserted into the sorted doubly-linked list.
Output Format
Do not print anything to stdout. Your method must return a reference to the of the same list that was passed to it as a parameter.
The ouput is handled by the code in the editor and is as follows:
For each test case, print the elements of the sorted doubly-linked list separated by spaces on a new line
For each test case, print the elements of the sorted doubly-linked list separated by spaces on a new line
Solution :-
static DoublyLinkedListNode sortedInsert(DoublyLinkedListNode head, int data) {
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DoublyLinkedListNode node = new DoublyLinkedListNode(data);
if (head == null)
head = node;
else if ( >= data)
{ = head; = node;
head = node;
while ( != null && < data)
head =;
} =;
if ( != null)
if ( != null) = node;
} = node;
node.prev = head;
while (head.prev != null)
head = head.prev;
return head;
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