Check out the resources on the page's right side to learn more about linked lists. The video tutorial is by Gayle Laakmann McDowell, author of the best-selling interview book Cracking the Coding Interview.
A linked list is said to contain a cycle if any node is visited more than once while traversing the list. For example, in the following graph there is a cycle formed when node points back to node .
Function Description
Complete the function has_cycle in the editor below. It must return a boolean true if the graph contains a cycle, or false.
has_cycle has the following parameter(s):
- : a pointer to a Node object that points to the head of a linked list.
Note: If the list is empty, will be null.
Input Format
There is no input for this challenge. A random linked list is generated at runtime and passed to your function.
Output Format
If the list contains a cycle, your function must return true. If the list does not contain a cycle, it must return false. The binary integer corresponding to the boolean value returned by your function is printed to stdout by our hidden code checker.
Solution :-
boolean hasCycle(Node head) {
HashSet<Node> strObjMap = new HashSet<Node>();
while(head != null)
return true;
head =;
return false;
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